Hollowell Sailing Club |Hollowell | Northampton | NN6 8RN | 01604 740328 (sailing days only)

Hollowell Biosecurity

stop the spread

Anglian Water Policy

Check, Clean, and Dry!

Invasive non-native species can damage boating equipment, block water treatment systems and harm native habitats.
As recreational boaters, there are a number of actions that we can take to minimise the risk of introducing or spreading invasive non-native species around Great Britain.

Biosecurity requirements Anglian Water has agreed biosecurity requirements for their waters with DEFRA under the Waterparks Byelaws 2014, which came into force in May 2015.

Recreational boaters must comply with these rules or they could face a fine of up to £500 for each offence, although it is a defence to show that they 'took all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence' or otherwise had a 'reasonable excuse' for committing the offence.

Check, clean, dry Check, Clean, Dry is the best way to protect both your stretch of water and others around the country from invasive non-native species.
Check boats, equipment and clothing for living plants and animals. Pay particular attention to areas that are damp or hard to inspect.
Clean and wash all equipment, thoroughly with freshwater and anti-foul boats annually. Remove visible fouling and put in the bin, not back in the water.
Dry responsibly! When recovering a boat, trailer, dinghy, Personal Water Craft or RIB, drain water from every part and all equipment that can hold water, including any water that collects in bilges, before leaving the site.

Sailing and watersports Anglian Water Byelaw 17.2 states that no boat shall enter a Water Park with the intention of launching onto the water without complying with current agreed biosecurity guidance. Boats must be checked, cleaned and fully dried before arriving at the Water Park and visiting boats must sign in at the point of access to confirm this process has been carried out before arriving at the park.

More information

Non-native species

Hollowell SC Policy

Hollowell Sailing Club has reviewed the existing biosecurity measures and sets out the following requirements of members and visitors at Hollowell Reservoir.

The following requirements apply to all craft, being powered or non-powered craft, including RIB, rowing craft, dinghies, canoes, kayaks and sailboards and others, entering the reservoir.

Audit-able check of all visiting craft....All visitors to Hollowell Sailing Club premises with any type of craft attending open meetings will be required to sign a declaration in their application form to confirm they agree to self-regulated checking, cleaning and drying all craft, in so far as is practical, before entering the reservoir and prior to their departure.

Application forms will be received by those supervising the open meetings and kept on file for a period of no less than twelve months thereafter. Responsibility for processing and filing the forms will rest with the relevant open meeting Fleet Captain.

On site signage and information Anglian Water is responsible for ensuring permanent signage is and remains in place regarding biosecurity at Hollowell reservoir. Hollowell Sailing Club will promote check, clean, dry procedures regularly to its members and visitors by posting notices on club notice boards, website and in other correspondence with members. Responsibility for promoting procedures will rest with the Web Master, the Membership Secretary and any other Committee Members as are relevant.

Wash down procedures Members’ craft which do not leave the site are not required to wash down before or after entering the water. Hollowell Sailing Club will provide a wash down facility away from the shore in the form of a stand pipe and hose.

Self-regulation by members With immediate effect members are required to self-regulate the wash down procedure and endeavour to take all possible practical measures to prevent the spread of invasive species.

Members will be required to sign a declaration in their membership application form or membership renewal form to confirm their agreement to do so before their membership is approved.

Responsibility for processing and filing the membership application forms will rest with the Membership Secretary

HSC Policy (PDF)