The Club has an open water policy, which means that access and sailing is permitted at any time between 10.00 am and dusk throughout the year.
The main clubhouse and buildings will not be open. However, we have an 'out of hours' changing room with a toilet and keypad entrance door. The new members 'Induction Tour' will show you how to gain entry. Note, as this is an isolated building the sink/toilet water will be turned off from about December to March.
On Tuesday evenings from 18:00 to sunset (May to September), a duty crew consisting of a Duty Officer with a PB2 certificate and an Assistant Boat Officer have agreed to be at the club to facilitate 'free sailing'. The clubhouse will be open at these times, and because it is a programmed event with a rescue boat on the water, club boats may be hired.
Please be considerate of the duty crew, and sail as early as possible - turning up after 7pm may result in some irritation!
Hire boats can only be used when there is programmed sailing (refer to our Google Calendar) and there is a manned rescue boat. This is an insurance policy stipulation.
A training course on the water with a rescue boat is NOT programme sailing (i.e. no duty crew). You may free sail with your own boat but do not expect rescue cover.
The club rules state that you can sail at any time of day but you must be confident with your own sailing ability and the prevailing weather conditions. We strongly suggest you NEVER sail/SUP alone - no matter how experienced you are! If you have someone on the shore, explain to them possible risk scenarios. Note that you will NOT have access to telephones, showers, buoyancy aids, first aid kit and a rescue boat.
There is an informal arrangement (in the summer) that Friday evenings are available for SUP's to meet, this usually gets a mention on our Facebook pages. Occasionally, the evening finishes off with a BBQ. This has 'no organiser' or set timetable.
Very, very occasionally, a busy Open Meeting, for example, we will ask you not to attend. These days will be marked 'no free sailing' on the calendar- currently these apply to the Laser, British Moth and Ice Tankard Open Meetings.