Hollowell Sailing Club |Hollowell | Northampton | NN6 8RN | 01604 740328 (sailing days only)

The Online Members Handbook

Welcome to Hollowell Sailing Club.
This handbook is for members new and old and will help you get the best from your membership.
With a packed racing, training , social sailing and social events calendar we have something for everyone to enjoy and get involved with.
The club is wholly run by volunteers and key to our success is every member playing their part through completing duties and getting involved in events (sailing & social) assisting with training and work projects.
We hope you will quickly feel at ease and part of the club and have many happy years with us. Please do ask a committee member if you have any questions and please do attend a new member induction session and take part in our mentoring scheme.

James Avery (Commodore)


About the Club

Hollowell Sailing Club was founded in 1966, and today has some 300 memberships. It is non-profit-making, supported by the subscriptions and efforts of its members, and managed for their benefit by an elected committee. Members share the tasks required to run the club amongst themselves. The Royal Yachting Association is our national governing body, and their annual inspection ensures we maintain high standards both in training and club administration.

We lease the grounds and have contracted to have sole use of the water from its owners Anglian Water. When full it is a 140-acre reservoir and we can sail close to 1.5 kms in straight line. Fishing is allowed by special permit (issued at Pitsford) which must be done from the shore. This is a peaceful and scenic location not just for sailing but also for walkers, fishing or bird watching.
We have a 'members only' car park with combination locks allowing access to all members out of hours. We have a spacious, well-controlled dinghy park within easy reach of six slipways. Our changing rooms/ showers are of an excellent standard.

The Committee — Key decisions are made by the General Committee, which meets 4 times a year. There are four sub-committees which meet to discuss the finer details of the operation of the Club: —Sailing —Membership/Social — Maintenance — Training.
Key roles and responsibilities are presented to members at the Annual General Meeting with a list of nominated individuals for approval. We have a panel of Trustees who take on most of the legal responsibilities.

Key Club Officers positions are listed in the contacts page and there is a fuller list of all those who have committee positions through our 'password' pages.

New Members Induction —We have an excellent safety record. The safety of you, your family and visitors are our number one priority. With your welcome email from DutyMan will be an invite to spend 45 mins/ 1 hour completing an 'Induction Course'. If you have come to the club through a Hollowell Dinghy Course, you will already be aware of some of its contents. If you are a new member (even if an experience sailor) we strongly recommend you sign-up for this. Topics include highlighting the hazards on the water, our safety procedures, we discuss by-laws, club rules and show you our systems for reporting breakdowns and so on.
If you are unsure about doing duties, leave booking them until after the induction course as we will also include a discussion about how we run racing at Hollowell and the types of jobs you can do.


ELECTRIC GATES — Electric gates are located at the main road entrance. These will normally be open during sailing sessions. If you come out of hours you will need the access code. When leaving the club the gates will automatically open when a car approaches. They will not open when pedestrians approach.

CLUB GATES — There is a combination padlock on the 5-bar entrance gate, the combination is: *****. Enter the number so that it exactly matches across the row and depress the button on its bottom.

CCTV — CCTV recording are in operation on the premises. The cameras (both internal and external) are to deter or respond to theft or damage of property and for the safety of our members and public. One outside camera is viewable on our website, the rest are viewable only to authorised people.

DUTY OFFICERS — Duty Officers are those members who have been at the club for more than 2-5 years and who have received training in the club security systems. They will take responsibility for unlocking and locking up the clubhouse, setting alarms and going through a series of checks to ensure the buildings and premises are secure. Separate codes and access procedures are in place for this. Their main role is to ensure programme racing takes place in a safe and controlled manner.

Club Rules & Policies

The full club rules can be found on downloads page of the website and are supplied to all new members. All members agree to abide by these rules, and which may be revised from time to time and approved by the Annual General meetings held in March.

GUIDES & MANUALS —In addition to our club rules we have well-developed policies and procedures which provide helpful guidance on a range of areas including safeguarding, inputting race results, rule arbitration, instruction and race management. All are available on the downloads page on this website or in the heading 'Duties/Guides' in the top navigation panel.
A 'Members Policy' can also be found on the downloads page which provides guidance on fees, payment terms, discounts, duties, permit stickers and resignation.

BIOSECURITY— The Anglian Water Biosecurity Policy has the full support of Hollowell Sailing Club. We will enforce current policy to ensure that non-indigenous species of weed and water creatures are not introduced to the water. All visitors and members who use equipment on the water must follow 'CHECK, CLEAN and DRY' policy as outlined of the Biosecurity Policy Page on the club website.
NOTE — Dinghies, Windsurf boards, paddleboards etc arriving on site MUST be washed using the hose arrangement on the 'top road' and NOT the hose near the waters edge. Biosecurity

CHILDREN — Members are responsible for their own children. The club defines a child or junior is being anyone under the age of 18 years. According to our club rules, children under 14 have full use of the club premises where suitable and should at all times be in the direct supervision of a responsible adult. Junior and student members under 16 are required to have a parent or guardian in membership and available at the club whenever they are involved in a club activity. Children may not sign in visitors or hire club boats.

SAFEGUARDING — Working alongside the RYA our Safeguarding Officer supports young and vulnerable members and is a contact between the General Committee and external authorities in the event of significant unwarranted events occurring. Contact details are on our 'contacts page'.

GUESTS — All guests must be signed in by an adult member in the visitor's book in the entrance lobby. They then become temporary members for the day and may enjoy all the facilities of the club agreeing to abide by the club rules during their visit. Any guest may not be signed in more than 4 times in any 12-month period.

LOST PROPERTY — Lost property will be kept for approximately 6 weeks and after that will be disposed of. Every effort will be made to return property to you, provided its clearly marked with your family name or contact details. Smaller items (glasses, chargers, USB's etc) of property are put in a plastic container on the Tea Bar bookshelves. Clothing and larger items are initially kept in the laundry basket in the disabled toilet and later moved to a red bucket in the Buoyancy Aid Store ready for disposal.

PRIVATE HIRE – members may hire the club facilities subject to agreed terms and should enquire about availability and prices from the Club Manager.

CONTROL OF DOGS — No dogs other than assistance dogs, trained and certified through Assistance Dogs UK (ADUK), may be brought onto the club premises. Dogs and their owners must adhere to Anglian Water Byelaws.

CAR PARKING —This is entirely at the owner’s risk. The Club cannot accept any responsibility for vehicles parked on Club property. If cars are carefully parked using the marked out bays, we could easily manage 100 cars.

BYELAWS — Ignoring Anglian Water by-laws could be a criminal offense. This includes - no power-driven boats (except rescue/instruction boats), petrol cans must be secured in powerboats, no washing of cars or newly arrived boats near to shore, no swimming or canoeing. Just to add to this frightening list - members, especially paddleboarders, need to be aware that the disturbance of wildlife will also be an offence, and it's not just restricted to the nesting season.

The Main Clubhouse

Has a separate key system, is alarmed and has its own internal/external CCTV system (not the web-camera you see on the web site). Members, by request, can be shown how to access this building but most choose not to.

DISABLED ACCESS — Hollowell Sailing Club is registered as a RYA Sailability venue and aims to provide access to sailing for all where this can be achieved. We are mindful of the excellent facilities available at Northampton Sailing Club, just 3 miles away, and will signpost people if we are unable to meet needs regarding access to the water, especially when the water level is low.
Access to our clubhouse for wheelchair users is by way of front and rear, wide entrance doors. Parking is available on the grass by the small brick fuel store. Be wary when using a wheelchair on our gravel covered car park. An accessible disabled toilet with grab-bars and a 'wet room' shower are available just off the main vestibule.

FIRST AID / MEDICAL HELP — There is a first aid box by the Tea Bar and a list of qualified first-aiders is posted with it. A defibrillator is provided adjacent to the Tea Bar boiler. In a minor emergency, please help yourself. Please record any accidents in the Accident Book. Emergency instructions and information are located on the combi boiler by the Tea Bar. Anyone with a head injury should seek medical attention as soon as possible and be handed the 'Head Injury' Information sheet. In the tall freezer are ice gel packs —this saves using a bag of frozen peas!
NEAR-MISS reporting, all members have a responsibility to assist in reporting this. Fuller details can be found in the Downloads Page → Health & Safety → Near Miss Procedure.

CHANGING ROOMS —We have excellent changing space with lots of hot water for showers. There are sections in both areas for our younger members to have their own private space. The disabled toilet can be used as a 'family' changing room, however, please do not leave clothes in this area.
Lockers for valuables – these are available for use by members near the disabled toilet and in the ‘Gents’ changing room. Care should be taken to keep the your key safe as its a major task to get the appropriate master key.

TEA BAR/ GALLEY — Our food preparation area is recognised by the local authority as a 5-star facility. We want to maintain that standard so good hygiene by all users is essential. It is equipped with a self-service hot drinks machine (you still have to pay!), dishwasher, cooker, microwave, freezer and 'members use' fridges. The Tea Bar is run on a duty rota basis (see 'Duty Rota' below), overseen by the Tea Bar Manager. Members can opt to do their stint behind the Tea Bar as part of their duties. A full procedures manual is kept beside the Tea Bar, which explains what is required.

The Tea Bar offers hot and cold drinks and snacks on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Saturday afternoons and Sundays. Hot meals can be ordered on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings for lunchtime (NOT during July/Aug).

A 'tab' system may be operated during the day to save you having to carry cash in your sailing kit, but if you use this system, please be sure to settle up your account before the last race starts. Please pay for tea bar items separately from bar items. We would prefer you use the contactless card machine to pay your bills - Tea Bar/ Bar/ Ropes/ Burgees/ Boat Hire.

BAR & LOUNGE —The raised carpeted area around the bar is a dry area. Please do not use it if you have wet or muddy clothing or footwear on. A Committee Member or the Duty Officer may open the bar during club licensed opening hours, generally this is after sailing sessions on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons. A range of beers, wines and spirits is stocked, at reasonable prices. The running of the bar is the responsibility of the Bar Manager, to whom all suggestions, complaints and offers of help should be addressed.

Other Buildings

RACE ROOM — Attached to the main building but having its own access is the RACE ROOM. This is where the DUTY OFFICER has a base. It is where the radios are kept and racing timers etc. The race results are also inputted here.
Burgees and ropes are available for sale to members at very good prices. Prices are marked on the rope reels and the burgee box. There is a sharp knife in a plastic box along with a receipt book. We would prefer if you paid for these items by using the card machine in the bar or at home via WebCollect. If this is not possible cash in the tea bar tin please using the receipt book in race room. Bottom copy stays in the book, top copy and cash into the tea bar cash tin.

rope shop

PETROL STORE — Directly opposite the steps to the main building is the place where we store……. petrol! Note that during sailing this is left unlocked but with the top bolt in use to stop access by children.

BRICK BOAT SHED — The large double doored building facing the water. This is a maintenance store and the place where club boats are repaired and where we store club hire boat sails. In here you will find a small selection a useful tools, foot pumps and more importantly MOWERS and STRIMMERS. YOU are responsible for keeping the area under and around your boat neat and tidy! Also available is a vicious grass cutting machine called a ‘Grillo’ please do not use this without first having been shown.

BUOYANCY AID STORE — Behind this building to the side is our store for students’ buoyancy aids and for others to hire should they turn up at the club and have forgotten to put theirs in the car. Note, it said ‘for hire’. In here is a very large box of ‘lost property’.

LOG CABIN — Next to the store is the log cabin. Sailboard equipment and the main ‘garage’ for our tender ‘Virago’(that is what we use to bring in our rescue boats from the sheds).

NASEBY TRAINING ROOM — This is the building behind all these others. Naseby Two is a full equipped training classroom (right-hand door). The smaller room in Naseby Lodge (left-hand door) and can be used for getting changed out of programmed hours. Entry is by keypad, the code is CXXXXY (X being the gate code key number).

NASEBY CHANGING ROOM — The smaller Training Room in the Naseby Lodge can be used for getting changed out of 'programmed' hours. It has a press code key system. To use — press 'C' to clear then the gate code number, followed by 'Y' then turn the knob. It has a toilet and a cold water hand basin but note, the water is turned off to the building between December and March. In this room is the electric air pump for use on paddleboards, please leave it switched 'on'.

Communication and Systems

WEBCOLLECT —Hopefully you have already used this online membership system when you joined. Members and non-members create their own account, apply for and renew their own club membership and book for training courses and other events online. It is also where we hold your membership records and sailing qualifications. It will soon become second nature to use and is a key system for financial and record keeping for the club.


Two things to note:
1. Some of our events are free but you still go through the checkout button to acquire tickets.
2. Events/courses etc that do require payment - after the checkout confirmation you will receive an email with a reference number – this is what you use in the next stage which is to authorise your bank to make the actual payment, you will see that the reference number is unique to you, it does not matter what it is you are purchasing now or in the future it remains the same.
Please do make these payment requests as soon as possible after your order. We are all volunteers and this in particular, makes the life of our Webcollect Admin/Treasurer a lot easier.

CONTACT PAYMENT — 2024 will be our third year where we use this touch-and-go payment machine. Life has been a lot easier for us since its introduction. No cash required for payment for your meals/chocs and sweets /bar drinks /boat hire/ ropes and burgees.

DUTYMAN — Another external web-based system. Not as sophisticated as Webcollect but still a very useful tool for us. This is the means by which you book your duties (more about that later).
After booking duties the system will automatically send out 'reminder' emails to you


ENEWS — During the sailing season we hope you will subscribe to our weekly Enews. This is a very short email newsletter that comes on a Thursday direct to your inbox. It mentions key events coming up for next 7 days and key future events.

FACEBOOK — We have two! The first is our Public page where we ‘sell’ the club by regular updates of images and details of our Public Open Days and training courses. This has quite a large following as it is passed around under ‘What’s On’ pages in the local villages. The second is a ‘members only’ page. This is quite active in its banter and sail reports. Members have full access to the posting pages and often we get uploaded images of the days events. If we urgently need to get a message to all our members it would be through this page – for example, if racing was to be cancelled on that day (weather, heating issues, water cut-off etc etc). New members will need to go to the page and ask the administrators for membership. Links to both are on the front page of the website.

WEBSITE —Some say this is probably the best, most informative Sailing Club web site in Britain. Your first place to go for information. Has a list of all the available training courses with links to WebCollect, enabling you browse, book and pay. It has guides galore (with images) about Safety Boat duties, Galley duties and guides about duties! There is even a section where you can even read the minutes of the several committees that run Hollowell on your behalf.
Key pages included our main Google Calendar which contains EVERYTHING that’s happening at Hollowell. However, if you are not too interested about when the grass is being cut or when committee meetings are happening, then also available is a Google downloadable calendar that's just our racing programme.

NOTICE BOARDS — In the main entrance area is an Official Notice Board which displays the days’ Duty Crew, powerboat availability, and any changes to Sailing Instructions for Open Events. There is often very important ‘need to know’ information on these boards!

SAILING MENTOR PROGRAMM — We run are successful ‘mentor programme' for sailors coming to Hollowell. All sailors will be allocated 'a mentor' who will advise you on almost every topic on sailing at Hollowell.

'Races Only' Calendar WebCollect Help

The Joy of Duties / Helping

Duty requirement - Hollowell Sailing Club has a full and active sailing programme. This is only possible because members fulfil compulsory duty days as part of their membership. Many contribute far more time especially towards the running of the Training Centre and generally. This ensures that events in the programme are run in a safe and proper manner.

Members usually find their way round far more quickly once they have carried out duties as part of a duty crew. We offer training to members to equip them for duty roles such as Duty Officer and Boat Officer. Another positions are fully covered by 'Reminder Guides' - Assistant Boat Officer, Assist Duty Officer, Tea Bar (Galley).

All adult members are required to complete a set number of duties and younger members are encouraged to contribute too. Several of our more experienced junior sailors provide club race management support to the Duty Officer. Single members are required to do at least two duty days each year. With a Family membership comes the requirement for the equivalent of 4 full duty days. Social members with accompanying juniors are required to do one duty day. All explanation about duties about what is involved can be found on the ‘duties’ page on the club’s website.

The basis of the system is that you go online and add your name against an appropriate job, on a day of your choice..

All member work parties - there are some major tasks which can only be achieved through the efforts of many members pulling together especially preparing at the start of the season and packing away for cold weather. The dates are in the online calendar and a complementary lunch rewards everyone for their hard work. There are tasks to match all abilities whether indoor, outdoor, heavy or light, young and young at heart. Every member is encourage to be involved.

Thursday Work Party - Hollowell has a small group for eager workers who complete essential tasks and deal with breakdowns etc who meet on Thursdays - come down a have a look if you are interested - no particular skills are required

Sailing and Staying Safe

Water Safety Policy— Available in our download pages and is essential reading for anyone taking part in or organising activities on the water at Hollowell Reservoir.

Buoyancy aids — Members are reminded that personal buoyancy must be worn at all times on the water and the pontoons. The only exception to this is that approved rowers and windsurfers aged over 18 may sail without buoyancy. Buoyancy aids and lifejackets are available in the equipment store for a small sessional charge payable to the Tea Bar.
If a child’s buoyancy aid is used which has crotch straps these straps must be used and not left to dangle, as they could become an entrapment hazard. If children are playing near the water, slipways or pontoons they should wear a buoyancy aid or lifejackets.

Open Water Policy — The Club has an open water policy which means that access and sailing is permitted at any time between 10.00 am and dusk throughout the year. Outside of programmed training, sailing or rowing times the main clubhouse and outbuildings are usually not open and club hire boats are not available, and there is no rescue facility.
Please refer to the link below for fuller details

Water Hazards (This information is better covered by coming on the 'Induction Course').
Note 1 —Shallows top end / Barbed wire fences/ Bottom corner wall and gabion / Lagoon area of boat sheds/ Dam slope and overflow. SUP’s particular hazards eg approaching shore near pontoons / Slipway angles and drops especially the Laser slipway.
Note 2 — Prevailing wind (from SW) may give the impression of ‘calm’ as its in a wind shadow. Lee shores (especially approaching our beach area).In particular children in the water when boats are coming to a from the shore.
Note 3 —Swimming is NOT allowed. This is an Anglian Water rule.
Note 4 —Bad weather likely to come from west or north west. No one on the water if lightning imminent.

We share the lake with fishermen, please look out for them and keep at least 30 metres from where they are fishing.

So you thought it was safe to go back into the water? Well, just two more scary things
Leptospirosis (Weil's Disease). No known record of incidents at Hollowell BUT symptoms are the same as COVID. So the doctor will need to know you have been on open water.
Lastly, Cold Water Shock - both the RYA and the RNLI estimate more people die from this than drown! Would you know how to deal with someone in this state?

Stand-Up Paddleboarding This is a new activity option at HSC (introduced 2021). It has proven to be very popular and our scenic, quiet water has been a great asset. To save duplication of information (there are a few restrictions to SUP'ing you need to know), please go to our SUP's page....


Open Meetings and Special Events — we hold a number of open meetings during the year including specific events for single classes i.e. Lasers /Toppers etc. Other open meetings provide welcome opportunities for all classes to sail competitively with visitors from around the country. (see 'casual sailing' above).

We offer a very comprehensive sailing programme commencing with our Mad March Pursuit in early March each year and progressing beyond the New Year into our Snowflake Series.

Training & Coaching

Hollowell Sailing Club is an approved Royal Yachting Association Training Centre and has a Chief Instructor and Principal to ensure that all RYA training events comply with RYA requirements. The main Training room is located in the Naseby Lodge. The club is proud of its reputation for good quality training. It regularly runs training courses on powerboat handling. Members are encouraged to enrol on powerboat level 2 and Safety Boat courses so that they are suitably qualified to do Boat Officer duty.
There is a full range of dinghy sailing courses for adults. These start with the beginners Level 1, moving to the more advanced Level 2. After that there are more courses available to improve sailing and progress people’s sailing career. These courses may include Start Racing, Sailing with Spinnakers, the advanced Level 3 as well as the popular Ladies Days. We also run in-house assistant instructor courses, which enable experienced sailors to teach at Hollowell SC.

Getting started — children aged 8+ can take part in our training and coaching courses. The Junior Start Sailing Course is the ideal place to start providing all that is needed to get out on the water.

Youth Coaching — taking place on alternate Sunday mornings once the weather is a bit milder, children between 8-18 are encouraged to join one of three groups and make progress with their sailing and racing gaining RYA qualifications on the way. Once they are mastering some of the basic skills they can think about travelling a little further afield visiting four other local clubs as part of the Anglian Water Junior Series which brings young sailors together from five clubs in the area.

Junior Week - Our very well-attended Junior Sailing Week kicks the school summer holidays off with a great start. Open to members and non-members aged between 8-18 we offer three days dinghy sailing and three days windsurfing, which can be booked together or separately.

Youth Squad — We are very proud to be a leading member of the Midlands Junior Circuit and regularly send representatives to major national events in Optimist, Topper, Splash and Laser classes. We are active in the Eric Twine National Junior Finals and National Schools Sailing Association team racing events and endeavour to provide opportunities for our developing sailors to extend their skills locally, nationally and internationally.

Instructors – many of our young sailors excel and take interest in becoming instructors themselves. We provide opportunities for our young members to qualify as Assistant Dinghy Instructors and Dinghy Instructors and to go on to deliver training courses at Hollowell.
Details of how to book on a training course or get involved with the youth coaching and youth fleet are all available from our website or just get chatting at the club to find out more.

Non-Programmed Water-Based Activities — Any water-based activity must be approved by the General Committee in order for the event to benefit from our insurance cover and to be conducted within required safety parameters. This includes any organised training, coaching or any other activity on the water.
Anyone proposing a non-programmed activity is invited to complete a non-programmed training form available to download from the website. A qualified ‘sponsor’ will need to agree to supervision of the event and overseeing adherence to required safety conditions. The form should be submitted to the RYA Training Principal for approval and no commitment entered into until this is given.

Sculling & Model Yachting

Rowing — Hollowell Scullers is a rowing club which is affiliated to Hollowell Sailing Club and operating at Hollowell Reservoir by agreement with Anglian Water. A five-year renewable Agreement was drawn up between the two clubs in June 2013 setting out the conditions under which rowing will be permitted as well as the use of Hollowell Sailing Club facilities. These terms are reviewed each year. Only members of Hollowell Scullers are allowed to row at Hollowell Reservoir and all craft must have a non-transferable craft sticker affixed and be kept in the designated area. Hollowell Scullers as a club is responsible for its own duty crew and liaising closely with other water users.

Model Yachting — Hollowell Radio Sailing Club is affiliated to Hollowell Sailing Club and sails on the Hollowell Reservoir within their remit and with the permission of Anglian Water Authority. The Club is administered by racing model yacht enthusiasts and currently meets on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings at Hollowell.

model yachts

Craft and Trailers

At Hollowell Sailing Club we have craft and trailer parking for our sailing members comprising approximately 300 spaces. Craft permitted to park at the club are sailing dinghies and sailboards. Trailers are those, which relate to the transport of craft. We do not offer craft or trailer storage for non-sailing members.

Boat Parking —Each area of the boat park has been lettered and numbered so that the Harbour master can allocate vacant spaces for new boats and trailers. You must obtain a boat parking space before you park your boat and temporary parking is available in Area D adjacent to the car park. The Membership Secretary will issue a non-transferable craft or trailer sticker when you pay for your membership which should be displayed on the back of your dinghy or the skeg of your sailboard. This will allow us to easily check boats, trailers and sailboards and remove those that are no longer legitimately parked.

Boat Insurance —You MUST have third party boat insurance in order to sail at Hollowell. This is a condition of membership. Please do read your policy documents. For example, not many policies cover leaving your 'sails' in the boat. Companies will probably insist your boat is 'tied down' when on the trailer. Even if your boat is just for 'storage' - it must be insured.

Hollowell Club Rules Refer to this policy for information on abandoned boats and the display of boat stickers.

Camping and use of the grounds

Camping/Caravan at Hollowell —If the Clubhouse is used while camping the members using the facility must ensure that the Club is maintained clean and tidy eg washing up done and dishes put away. Club members may camp overnight in the grounds and use the out of hours changing room and toilet. Entry is by keypad and is covered on our Induction Course.

Private BBQs - The brick fuel store contains charcoal during the summer months which can be used for the BBQ although please replace the stock after private use.

Out of hours use of the Club, grounds and facilities:
During non-programmed sailing hours the club house may be opened for members by an adult committee member or Instructor Member.
Committee members are responsible for leaving the premises secured or passing responsibility to another committee member, Duty Officer, or Instructor.
If the Clubhouse is used while camping the members using the facility must ensure that the Club is maintained clean and tidy e.g. washing up done and dishes put away.
The use of club boats/sailboards is not permitted outside of programmed sailing hours


Club Boats For Hire

One of the benefits of belonging to Hollowell Sailing Club is the ability to hire a club boat at a very reasonable cost.
Using Webcollect enables you to hire and have the benefit of cashless payments. The system will also show which boats are available (previously you would not have found out until you turned up at the club). There is a computer you can use to do this in the main club room should you wish to book a boat on the day. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PROPERLY LOG OUT OF WEBCOLLECT IF YOU USE THE CLUB COMPUTER!

Many of our club boats have been obtained with thanks to support from Big Lottery Awards for All, Sport England, the Eric Twiname Trust, the Northamptonshire Community Foundation and Daventry District Council.

Rigging — You will have to rig and de-rig the boat yourself but if you need help or simply want someone to check the boat over before you launch please ask a committee member or qualified person. Laminated rigging guides are available on the external wall outside the bar. Hire boats are parked together around the Log cabin and each is prefixed with ‘H’ to indicate it is a hire boat. All club boats, their trailers and main parts are numbered, the rigging, sails and foils are stored in the boats or in the log cabin or brick boathouse. It is important the same numbered parts are kept together. At the end of the hire period the boat must be de rigged and the cover replaced. Unless you can positively hand the boat over to the following hirer the boat must be packed away. Any defects should be entered in the Bosun’s Logbook.

Craft Hire